The online presentation event of “The STRIDE REGISTRY for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy” organized by Parent Project in collaboration with O.M.a.R.- Rare Diseases Observatory and the unconditional contribution of PTC Therapeutics Italy, took place on Wednesday, the 13th of January, in 2 sessions. The first session, in Italian, was at 1 pm and the second session, in English, at 2 pm.
The event has been an opportunity to introduce families, clinicians and institutions to the STRIDE (Strategic Targeting of Registries and International Database of Excellence) study, the first drug registry for patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). The registry today represents the largest study in the world based on clinical practice (real-world) of DMD patients with nonsense mutations (nmDMD). STRIDE is an international, observational, post-approval study that has been requested by regulatory authorities for the post-marketing evaluation of the use of ataluren and is ongoing in countries where ataluren is commercially available or through an early access program.
You can find here the webinar recording:
You can download the STRIDE Registry brochure here: