XXI International Conference

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XXI International Conference on Duchenne and Becker Muscular Dystrophy

16-18 February 2024 | Ergife Palace Hotel, Rome

Parent Project organizes an annual international conference completely dedicated to Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy.

It is a key event for the entire DMD/BMD community, hosting more than 700 participants from around the world.
Started in 1999 as a meeting for parents of Italian families, the event has gradually transformed into an international opportunity for exchange and discussion with the presence of the world’s leading clinicians and researchers dealing with the disease.

The Conference is a key moment to update the community on the latest developments in scientific research and clinical management. The participation of patients, family members and associations from about 30 nations allows for the exchange, comparison and sharing of best practices and successful experiences.

Download the program of the XXI International Conference













Recordings of past editions of the International Conference on our Youtube channel