Following the difficult decision, announced last Monday, to cancel our Conference due to the Coronavirus emergency, we received many messages from all our community, expressing regret for this long-awaited appointment that was canceled, and at the same time support and sympathy for the choice we made.
The staff and board of Parent Project wish to thank heartily patients, families, speakers and all the people involved: we feel supported and literally enveloped by the affection and solidarity that we are receiving. This confirms to us how precious the Conference is for all those who participate and who “build” it together with the association and sharing this moment of sadness and disappointment with our community is a great comfort to us.
Unfortunately, due to logistical and organizational reasons, and the uncertainty connected with the current state of emergency it will not be possible to postpone the dates of the Conference within the year. We are already evaluating and studying all the options available with a view to finding, in any case, the best ways to share with all of you as much as possible the scientific and social contents and the moments dedicated to confrontation and discussion that would have included within the event. We will update you as soon as possible about these initiatives.
Thanks for your understanding and closeness!
For any information you can contact us:
Ph. + 39 06/66182811 – Mobile. Fundraising Area: + 39 349/5100478
Dona ora!
Per un futuro di qualità e un mondo con una cura per la distrofia muscolare di Duchenne e Becker.
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