• Parent Project onlus funds research projects focused on DMD/BMD
• Applications for funding can be submitted for a whole research project, but also for PhD, student grant, technical support material for research (laboratory material, equipment, animal models, etc.)
• A Principal Investigator (PI) can only submit one proposal
• The project must be presented in English including a Lay summary in double-language (English + Italian only for italian applicants) with a brief description of the objectives, the rationale and the experimental design
• The requested budget must be presented in a comprehensive manner, detailing the various items of expenditure
• Applications for funding up to € 20,000 (VAT included) will be considered
• Secretarial and general expenses may not exceed 5% of the total amount, falling within the total maximum funding
• The research project must be launched within six months of official approval by Parent Project onlus. Any delay will be taken into consideration only if appropriately justified
• Funded projects will be monitored, and researchers will be required to share the results obtained with Parent Project by presenting an annual progress report and/or a final report
Dona ora!
Per un futuro di qualità e un mondo con una cura per la distrofia muscolare di Duchenne e Becker.
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